
Distributors are licensed to use OD-Tools Products worldwide to enhance their people and organizational development services (coaching, training, workshop facilitation, assessment/development centers, candidate assessment, People Analytics, OD diagnostics, consulting projects, etc). In addition to using OD-Tools Products worldwide in their services, they can also resell OD-Tools Products in their respective authorized territories. Reselling is defined as enabling organizations to use OD-Tools Products independently by certifying them and providing them direct access to the administration functions.

Distribution Definitions

The term “OD-Tools Products” refers to the online assessment solutions developed and marketed by OD-Tools.com Ltd.: questionnaires, tests, surveys, algorithms, reports, accessed and delivered by the OD-Tools SaaS assessment system (“the System”).

“Services” means people and organizational development solutions (coaching, training, workshop facilitation, assessment/development centers, candidate assessment, People Analytics, OD diagnostics, consulting projects, etc) that include OD-Tools Products combined with other services and provided by Distributors or Solution Providers to End-Users and Participants.

“Reselling OD-Tools Products” means enabling organizations to use OD-Tools Products independently by providing them access to the administration functions of the System. The enabled organization can be a Sub-Distributor, a Solution Provider, or a System Client. Reselling involves setting up a sub-organization in the System; setting up users with Assessment Facilitator authorization in the System, and providing user training and Credits that are needed for using the OD-Tools Products. Reselling can be also referred to as Distribution; developing System Clients; selling Credits; or developing a user network.

“Solution Providers” are licensed to use OD-Tools Products to enhance their Services worldwide, however, they are not authorized to resell OD-Tools Products.

“Distributors” are licensed to use OD-Tools Products to enhance their Services worldwide, and they can also resell OD-Tools Products in their respective authorized territories. The territory limitation of reselling means that the legal entity’s official address, which buys the OD-Tools Products, must be in the authorized territory (while the physical location of employees or other locations of a larger organization is not relevant). For example, a Distributor authorized to resell in Germany could resell OD-Tools Products to Amazon Digital Germany GmbH (official address: Domagkstr. 28, 80807 München, Germany), although the headquarter of Amazon is in another country or that Amazon may use the OD-Tools Products not only in Germany.

“Top-Distributors” are distributors that buy their licenses directly from OD-Tools.com Ltd. “Sub-Distributors” are distributors that buy their licenses from a Top-Distributor.

“End-Users” are organizations who purchase OD-Tools Products and/or Services for their internal use (employee selection and development, organizational development, people analytics processes or projects, etc). End-Users can be also referred to as Customers or Clients. “System Clients” are End-Users who use the OD-Tools Products independently by accessing the administration functions of the System.

“Assessment Facilitators” are individuals who are authorized to access the assessment administration functions of the OD-Tools system. They are employees or associates of Distributors, Solution Providers, or System Clients.

“Participants” are the individuals (employees or candidates), who complete the online tests or questionnaires.